Application Rate: 2 oz per 1000 square feet or 5-6 lbs per acre
Create a meadow with this Pacific Northwest native mix that contains approximately 50% grasses, 40% perennial flowers and 10% annual flowers. Blooms May through October. Plants range in height from 8 to 45 inches. Grown in Oregon from wild-collected Willamette Valley seed.
Mix Includes:
California Oatgrass - Danthonia californica
Roemer’s Fescue - Festuca roemeri
Prairie Junegrass - Koeleria macrantha
Pine Bluegrass - Poa secunda (P. scabrella)
Meadow Checkermallow - Sidalcea campestris
Rose Checkermallow - Sidalcea malviflora ssp virgata
Straightbeak Buttercup - Ranunculus othorhyncus
Oregon Sunshine - Eriophyllum lanatum
Western Yarrow - Achillea millefolium
Lance Self-heal - Prunella vulgaris v. lanceolata
Hall’s Aster - Symphyotrichum (Aster) hallii
Farewell to Spring - Clarkia amoena
Large-flowered Blue-eyed Mary - Collinsia grandiflora
Purple Godetia - Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera
Large-flowered Collomia - Collomia grandiflora
Blue Field Gilia - Gilia capitata
Seablush/Rosy Plectritis - Plectritis congesta
Showy Tarweed - Madia elegans
Purple Sanicle - Sanicula bipinnatifida
Please contact us for trade/volume pricing and availability.