PT 456 Native Oak Woodland Mix For Partial Shade

1 oz
1/2 lb
1 lb

Application Rate: approximately 5 oz per 1000 square feet (1 oz covers~200 sq ft) or 11-12 lbs per acre

Restore your partially shaded understory with this native woodland mix that contains approximately 50% grasses, 38% perennial flowers and 12% annual flowers. Plant communities where trees are a component but where their densities are low enough that grasses and other herbaceous vegetation, like those in this mix, dominate are called savannas. Historically, oak savannas stretched from British Columbia through Washington and Oregon to Southern California. Intact oak savannas are now one of the rarest plant communities on earth, however, many degraded oak savannas still remain and can be restored. Grows 20 to 60 inches. Grown in Oregon from wild-collected Willamette Valley seed.

Mix Includes:

Blue Wildrye - Elymus glaucus
Sitka Brome - Bromus sitchensis
Chamisso Sedg - Carex pachystachya
Large-leaved Avens - Geum macrophyllum
Celery-leaved Licorice Root - Ligusticum apiifolium
Fernleaf Biscuitroot - Lomatium dissectum
Oregon Phacelia - Phacelia nemoralis ssp oregonensis
Pacific Sanicle Sanicula crassicaulis
Seablush/Rosy Plectritis - Plectritis congesta
Meadow Checkerbloom - Sidalcea campestris
Meadow Goldenrod - Solidago elongata
Leichtlin's Camas - Camassia leichtlinii
Scurf Pea - Rupertia physodes (Psoralea p)
Douglas' Sagewort - Artemisia douglasiana
Lance Self-heal - Prunella vulgaris var lanceolata
Sticky Cinquefoil - Potentilla glandulosa
Tall Meadow-rue - Thalictrum polycarpum
Cow Parsnip - Heracleum maximum (lanatum)
Western Yarrow - Achillea millefolium
Large-flowered Blue-eyed MaryCollinsia grandiflora
Woodland buttercup - Ranunculus uncinatus
Oregon Iris - Iris tenax

Please contact us for trade/volume pricing and availability.
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