The American lawn is changing. Adding clovers, flowers and/or herbs to conventional seed mixes results in low-maintenance, low-input alternative lawns. Whether you face water restrictions, desire more free time, want to reduce your carbon footprint or simply want something unique, then ecology lawns are for you.
An ecology lawn is one that includes species other than just grasses such as clovers, flowers and other forbs. Clovers naturally fix nitrogen in the soil, feeding themselves and their companions so that ongoing fertilizer applications are not necessary. Ecology lawns are also more drought-tolerant and disease-resistant than conventional, grass-only lawns. Once established, ecology lawns stay green even during long, dry periods. Pro Time Lawn Seed specializes in these low-input, low-maintenance lawn mix alternatives for residential, commercial and public greenspaces. Visit "Ecology & Alternative Lawns" under Categories.