PT 459 Native Late Blooming Pollinator Mix Supplement



Application Rate: 1/2 oz per 400 square feet 

When many flowers have stopped blooming, this late summer native flower seed mix will keep feeding our valuable pollinators. This supplement works best added to established perennial garden areas. Contains approximately 79% perennial flowers and 21% annual flowers. Grows 8 to 84 inches in height. Grown in Oregon from wild-collected Willamette Valley seed.

Mix Includes:

Hall’s Aster - Symphyotrichum (Aster) hallii
Meadow Goldenrod - Solidago elongata
Spike Primrose - Epiilobium densiflorum
Showy Milkweed - Asclepias speciosa
Gumweed - Grindella integrifolia
Common Madia - Madia elegans
Farewell to Spring - Clarkia amoena
Purple Godetia - Clarkia purpurea ssp quadrivulnera
Crown Brodiaea - Brodiaea coronaria 


Please contact us for trade/volume pricing and availability.

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