PT 442 BES Grassy Swale Native Mix


Application Rate: 1 lb per 1000 sq ft or 10-20 lbs per acre

This grass swale mix is the only native seed mix specified in the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services Stormwater Management Manual. A good choice for bioswales, green street planters and rain gardens. Helps manage water runoff and filter pollutants in natural and constructed swales. Provides critical habitat for small mammals, waterfowl, birds, butterflies and beetles. One to five feet in height. Best planted in sunny, open areas, but will select out in shade. 

Mix Includes:
Meadow Barley - Hordeum brachyantherum
California Oatgrass - Danthonia californica
Blue Wildrye - Elymus glaucus
California Brome - Bromus carinatus
Roemer’s Fescue - Festuca roemeri
Tufted Hairgrass - Deschampsia cespitosa
Spike Bentgrass - Agrostis exarata
Water Foxtail - Alopecurus geniculatus
Slender Hairgrass - Deschampsia elongata


Please contact us for trade/volume pricing and availability.

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