PT 460 Native Upland Mix for Shade


Application Rate: 1 lb per 1000 square feet or 30-40 lbs per acre

For upland sites with some shade through a relatively open canopy. A good food source for song and game birds. These grasses are well suited to providing the vegetative layer of beetle banks, habitat solutions that provide beneficial insects – namely predatory beetles – shelter from predators and a place to overwinter. Berms covered in these bunch grasses promote healthy and sustainable populations of beetles that can reduce the need for insecticides, reduce pest pressure on crops and help suppress crop weeds. Two to three feet in height. Grows in full sun to dappled shade.

Mix Includes:
Blue Wildrye - Elymus glaucus
California Brome - Bromus carinatus
California Oatgrass - Danthonia californica
Roemer’s Fescue - Festuca roemeri
Prairie Junegrass - Koeleria macrantha 

Please contact us for trade/volume pricing and availability.

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