PT 309 Supreme Mix


Application Rate: 7-10 lbs per 1000 sq ft or 350 lbs per acre

This mix features Kentucky Bluegrass with low tillering and a fine, soft texture. A long-time favorite, PT 309 Supreme Mix's winter hardiness makes it a good choice for higher elevations and areas with cold winters. Excellent for high traffic areas. Dark green in color. Recommended for areas that receive four or more hours of sun per day. While this mix can be maintained at heights of 1½ to 3 inches for typical home lawns, it can be mowed as low as ½ inch for croquet, golf or other specialized uses. Recommended as the first choice for sports fields and other high traffic areas.

This mix is perfect for the discriminating homeowner who desires a highly manicured lawn. Select PT 309 Supreme Mix for sports fields, high traffic areas and home lawns.

Mix Includes:
Perennial Ryegrass - Lolium perenne
Kentucky Bluegrass - Poa pratensis
Perennial Ryegrass - Lolium perenne
Chewings Fescue - Festuca rubra var commutata


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