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Application rate: 7-10 lbs per 1000 sq ft or 300 lbs per acre
Annual Ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum germinates and establishes quickly. Use for short term erosion control, cover crop or as a nurse crop for other species. Sow in fall or early spring. Continues growing at low temperatures which makes it an excellent choice for a fall-seeded cover crop. Its fibrous, shallow root system helps build organic matter and improves soil texture. Annual ryegrass is also used for over-seeding warm season turfgrasses and as a winter annual in the southern US. Annual rye will eventually mow out. Adapted to a wide variety of soil conditions. Tolerates heavy soils, low pH ranges and poor drainage.
Features & Benefits: Quick to establish, controls erosion
*Please contact us for trade/volume pricing and availability.