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Companion Low Maintenance Mix - 25 lb


Companion Low Maintenance Mix - 25 lb


Application Rate:
350 lbs per acre; 150-200 lbs per acre, rough seed*
7 - 10 lbs per 1000 sq ft for home orchards

Our Companion Low Maintenance Mix is a versatile perennial grass specifically formulated for use in orchards and vineyards. Its low and slow growth rate means it requires just a few mowings per year, making it a great choice for your 'back forty'. It also establishes rapidly and can be relied on for consistent, long-term performance.

Mix Includes: Low-growing Perennial Ryegrass, Creeping Red Fescue, Chewings Fescue

Features & Benefits: widely adaptable, slow growing, wear tolerant, shade tolerant, cold tolerant, quick establishment, disease resistant, erosion control

* The application rate for Companion varies depending on use and purpose. Rough seed applications for cover crops or for planting "the back forty" require less seed than a home lawn where a dense stand of grass is desired.