Application Rate: 5-7 lbs per 1000 sq ft or 300 lbs per acre
We consider our PT 701 Let It Grow Grasses an ecology lawn when left unmown. We blend five fine fescue grasses, selecting the best performing varieties. Simple to maintain with dramatic results. Unmown grasses grow 8 to 16 inches and flop over to create a wind-tossed effect. Drought tolerant. Grows in sun and shade. Mowing or line trimming once or twice a year to remove seed head stalks is optional.
Mix Includes:
Hard Fescue - Festuca trachyphylla
Sheep Fescue - Festuca ovina
Chewings Fescue - Festuca rubra var commutata
Creeping Red Fescue - Festuca rubra
Slender Creeping Red Fescue - Festuca rubra
Features & Benefits: low maintenance, shade tolerant, erosion control
*For a greener no mow, take a look at our PT 702 Let It Bee fine fescues mix with the addition of clover.
Recommended planting zones: see map