PT 710 Flowering Meadow Mix


Application Rate: 2-3 lbs per 1000 sq ft or 120 lbs per acre

This meadow mix combines the low-growing green cover of our PT 705 Xeriscape Eco-lawn Mix with colorful wildflowers to provide an aesthetically pleasing ground cover for soil stabilization or low maintenance areas.

From unmowed highway banks to urban meadows, this mix provides green cover year-round without supplemental irrigation and with the added bonus of persistent color (white, pink, orange, blue). The wildflowers also attract pollinators. Meant to be a 'no mow' for maximum bloom. General grow height 18 inches with lupine and daisies reaching 42 inches. 

For best results plant on bare soil and do not topdress (cover) seed. 

Mix Includes:
Perennial Ryegrass - Lolium perenne 
Hard Fescue - Festuca trachyphylla 
Sheep Fescue - Festuca ovina 
White Yarrow - Achillea millefolium
Dutch White Clover - Trifolium repens
Perennial Lupine - Lupinus perennis
Strawberry Clover - Trifolium fragiferum
California Poppy - Eschscholzia californica
Sweet Alyssum - Lobularia maritima (annual)
Shasta Daisy - Chrysanthemum maximum
Farewell to Spring - Clarkia amoena (annual)

Recommended planting zones: see map

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