PT 799 Microclover®


Application Rate: 1-2 lbs per 1000 sq ft or 80 lbs per acre*

Introduce a nitrogen-fixing legume to your lawn with this genetically dwarf clover. Years of natural selection have resulted in a clover small in stature with an even growth habit that makes an ideal lawn alternative or addition to grass lawns. This perennial clover remains greener much longer than grasses in both drought and cold conditions. It has good summer color and is particularly resistant to drought because of its deep root system.

Clover is the backbone to many of our eco-lawn mixes. Grasses and clovers work together to form a thick, dense turf that prevents new weeds from establishing. These lawns are self-fertilizing and require fewer inputs like water and your time. Two of our most popular mixes for new lawns and overseeding existing lawns—PT 769 R&R Eco-Turf and PT 767 Dog Park—contain premium grasses and Microclover®.

For the past 50 years, clover has been considered a lawn weed, but before that it was an important component in fine lawns—and for good reason. Clover is drought-tolerant, virtually immune to diseases and distasteful to common turf insects. Clovers generate their own food by fixing nitrogen in the soil and they are a favorite of bees and other beneficial pollinators when they are allowed to bloom.

Not to be confused with miniclover or micro clover, Microclover®, Trifolium repens var Pipolina ssp Microclover, is adapted to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions; it is already growing successfully all around the world.

In order to achieve the look of a lawn, Microclover® requires regular mowing. For an eco-friendly lawn, maintain at 3-4 inches to shade the soil surface and retain moisture. Microclover’s unique dense stolon structure does allow it to tolerate as low as a ½ inch mowing height, if desired. The shorter the mow, the smaller the leaves.

Our Microclover is coated with a natural inoculant that ensures nitrogen fixation.

Features & Benefits: drought tolerant, wear tolerant, shade tolerant, cold tolerant, tolerates low mowing, effective for overseeding existing lawns, slow growing

Germination: 10 to 14 days under ideal conditions

Recommended planting zones: see map

*When planting as a monoculture, we recommend the 2 lbs per 1000 sq ft application rate.

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