PT 454 Native Urban Meadow Mix


Application Rate:  2 oz per 1000 square feet or 5-6 lbs per acre 

Create an urban meadow with this Pacific Northwest native mix that contains 50% grasses, 40% perennial flowers and 10% annual flowers. Designed for smaller areas with species that are generally shorter in size and none that are rhizomatous. Bloom time ranges from April to late June. Urban meadowscaping promotes natural regeneration, leading to increased biodiversity, improved water quality and a reduction in stormwater runoff and soil erosion. More diverse vegetation improves habitat conditions for native species of plants and wildlife, including birds, butterflies and other pollinators. Mow or line trim only once a year in late summer or fall no lower than 4 inches. Most species in this mix grow 12 to 36 inches, with a few flowering near 48 inches tall. All seed grown in Oregon from wild-collected Willamette Valley seed.

Mix Includes:
Roemer’s Fescue - Festuca romeri
California Oatgrass - Danthonia californica
Foothill Sedge - Carex tumulicola
Chamisso Sedge - Carex pachystachya
Lance Self-heal - Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata
Oregon Sunshine - Eriophyllum lanatum
Cinquefoil - Potentilla glandulosa
Large-flowered Blue-eyed Mary - Collinsia grandiflora
Rosy Plectritis - Plectritis congesta
Rose Checkermallow - Sidalcea malviflora ssp. Virgata
Western YarrowAchillea millefolium
Western Buttercup - Ranunculus occidentalis
Straight Beaked Buttercup - Ranunculus orthorhynchus
Spring Gold - Lomatium utriculatum
Green-flowered Alumroot - Heuchera chlorantha
Slim-leaf Onion - Alium amplectens
Pacific Woodrush - Luzula comosa
Oregon Yampah - Perideridia oregana

Please contact us for trade/volume pricing and availability.

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