PT 769 R&R Eco-Turf Mix with Microclover®


Application Rate: 5-7 lbs per 1000 sq ft or 300 lbs per acre

Our exclusive R&R Eco-Turf Mix with drought tolerant grasses and Microclover® is an earth-friendly, sustainable lawn. This mix holds up well to wear--perfect for kids, pets and high traffic areas. Low maintenance and low-input requirements leave you lots of time for rest and relaxation. Once established this mix requires little supplemental irrigation or fertilizer. Tolerates acidic and shady sites. Grows well in full sun or shade.

Microclover feeds the companion grasses with nitrogen making them look great all year long. The drought tolerant clover maintains a nice dark green color once established. Its inclusion with the grasses allows the soil to retain more moisture in dry periods which requires much less irrigation than a conventional lawn. Start an entirely new lawn with R&R or overseed onto existing perennial ryegrass and/or fine fescue lawns to gain some important eco-lawn benefits.

Mow about once a month. This lawn can be maintained at a 2 inch height for a manicured look or up to 4 inches or so to let the clover bloom in the summertime. 

Mix Includes:
Sheep Fescue - Festuca ovina 
Perennial Ryegrass - Lolium perenne 
Hard Fescue - Festuca trachyphylla 
Microclover® - Trifolium repens var Pipolina ssp Microclover

Features & Benefits: full sun to shade, drought tolerant, wear tolerant, quick establishment, works well for overseeding a traditional lawn, tolerates a low mow 

Recommended planting zones: see map

Photo #1 credit: Green Edens Horticultural Services of Evanston, Illinois

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