PT 660 Low Profile Wildflower Mix

Application rate: 1 oz per 250 sq ft * 1b per 4000 sq ft * 12 lbs per acre
Our lowest growing wildflower mix consists of more than 20 species, approximately 80% annuals and 20% perennials, that grow to a height of 18-24 inches. Some of the annuals will reseed themselves for the following season.

Mix includes:
Dwarf Bachelor Button Mix - Centaurea cyanus
Annual Baby's Breath - Gypsophila elegans
Chinese Forget Me Not - Cynglossum firmament
Dwarf Lupine - Lupinus nanus
Siberian Wallflower - Cheiranthus allionii
Sweet William Mix - Dianthus barbatus
Sweet Alyssum - Lobularia maritima
California Poppy - Eschscholzia californica
Annual Candytuft Mix - Iberis umbellata
Annual Blue Flax - Linum usitatissimum
Baby Blue Eyes - Nemophila menziesii
Dwarf Lance-leaf Coreopsis -  Coreopsis lanceolata
Perennial Blue Flax - Linum perenne
California Blue Bell - Phacelia campanularia
Showy Evening Primrose - Oenothera speciosa
Dwarf Godetia - Clarkia amoena
Dwarf Red Coreopsis - Coreopsis tinctoria
Scarlet Sage - Salvia coccinea
African Daisy Mix - Dimorphotheca sinuate
Meadowfoam- Limnanthes douglasii
Corn Poppy Red - Papaver rhoeas
Spurred Snapdragon - Linaria maroccana
Catchfly - Silene armeria
White Creeping Daisy - Chrysanthemum paludosum
Yellow Daisy - Chrysanthemum multicaule
Dwarf Strawflower - Helichrysum bracteatum

Please contact us for trade or volume pricing.
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